About the Journal
E-ISSN 2689-3495
P-ISSN 2689-3509
Impact Factor:-5.8
Cross-ref / DOI:- 10.33826/journaloms
Call For Paper Volume 06 Issue 01 January 2024
Current Issue
American Journal of Medical Science and Chemical Research (Journaloms) is a monthly open-access worldwide publication issued electronically in English, the Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies is intended for researchers, professionals, and understudies mainly focusing on Medical, Biotechnology, and Pharmaceuticals, Nursing, Biochemical, and Biochemistry, Biomedical Researchers. All review papers submitted to the journal will be double-blind, and peer-reviewed by members of the publication board. Readers will include college examiners as well as representatives from government, business, and academia who are passionate about the subject matter.
Our message is one of prompt output and general acknowledgment. American Journal of Medical Science and Chemical Research journal publishes excellent work, and we welcome submissions from all over the world. Journaloms publish analyses of the advancements in higher education and society while also looking forward to a future for us. Our journal assists in providing a beneficial, reliable, and useful plan for organizing and delivering the distribution to the entrance advance of our browses. Regularity of Release Journaloms is published as a monthly journal with 12 editions annually. Peer-reviewed papers from international and national conferences organized by various academic and research institutions are distributed through the American Journal of Medical Science and Chemical Research.
Monthly publishing frequency
American Journal of Medical Science and Chemical Research (Journaloms) is published as a monthly journal that has 12 editions annually. Peer-reviewed papers from international and national conferences organized by various academic and research institutions are distributed through Journaloms.